Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Concept: Democracy
Here are some key words connected with an election. How many can you use in your Action Project report?

Election - The act of choosing a person to fill an office.
Electorate - All the people entitled to vote in an election.  
Candidate - A person who offers him / her self, or is put forward by others, as a suitable person for an office.  
Dáil Éireann - The lower house of the parliament of the Irish Republic.
Teachtaí Dála - (TD in English), is a member of Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Oireachtas (the Irish Parliament)  
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Campaign - A series of things (TV advertising, posters, door calling) that a politician or political party does to try to win an election.
Canvass - To ask for votes to be cast in a candidate's favour.  
Constituency - A body of voters in a specified area, or residents in an area, who elect a representative to a legislative body.
Political Party - A group of people wanting to mantain power within government. An organised group of people with similar political aims and opinions.  
Polling Station - A place where voters go to cast their votes in an election.  
Ballot Box - A sealed box into which voters put completed ballots.  
Vote - A formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates. To show your choice of a person or an issue in an election.  
Postal vote - a ballot paper which is distributed and/or returned by post to electors.  
Returning Officer - an official who is responsible for arranging an election and who formally announces the result.  
Tally - A current score or amount.
Electoral Register - A listing of all those registered to vote in a particular area.  
Manifesto - A public declaration of policy and aims, especially issued before an election by a political party or candidate.  
Proportional representation - A voting system where a voter can indicate their first and subsequent choices for candidates on a ballot paper.  
Opinion poll - a survey of public opinion. It involves asking people's opinions on a particular subject, especially concerning politics.  
Government formation - To form an executive policy-making body of a country. Usually formed by one or two political parties that receive the most elected members in a general election.

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